Affiliate Marketing 101 - Search Engine Optimization Tips For Affiliate Marketing Web Sites

 These days, the most intelligent way to build your affiliate marketing web site is with a self-hosted WordPress blog, since much of your design and ongoing maintenance are automated on affiliate marketing blogs. But just as with static web sites, it's vitally important that you properly manage the search engine optimization (SEO) on your affiliate marketing web site.

First, pay particular attention to the title of each post you make, being sure your target keywords or keyword phrase are prominent in the title itself. This is especially true for affiliate marketing blogs, since the title of the post is usually also used as the URL for that page and you'll want the search engines finding those keywords both in the title and the URL to give you the best possible shot at high search engine rankings. Remember that Google, Yahoo, Bing and the smaller engines rate pages, not sites, so it's important that every page be optimized for the keywords that particular page is targeting.

Next, using appropriate plugins be sure you've chosen the right tags and description for the page. Again these can affect your affiliate marketing blog's position on the search engine results pages (SERPs). Further, many engines display your description of the page, so you want it to be enticing to your target market in the hopes of having your prospects click through and visit your blog.

Understand and utilize the current SEO practices when writing your content - most search engines provide plenty of information on how they rank the pages they index. And while it's important to use your keywords or keyword phrases in your copy for each post, never lose site of the fact that you're writing your posts for your prospects, not the search engines.

When you've gone to the effort to bring targeted traffic to your affiliate marketing web site you want them to be pleasantly surprised at the amount of quality content, ease of navigation and the gentle flow of ideas that leads them merrily along their way to buying the products at the other end of your affiliate links. Your affiliate commissions will be negligible or non-existent if you've written your posts strictly to rank well in the SERPs and your target audience find it difficult to read or follow.

Finally, make sure you've also included your page's target keywords in the alt tags of any images that accompany the text, in the links to that page from other pages on the blog, and in any description or summary you offer of the page for your index and/or RSS feeds. Get in the habit of doing at least this much SEO for each and every post or page on your affiliate marketing blogs.

Trying to remember and incorporate all of this while still keeping your pages strong for your targeted viewers may seem like quite a trick at first, but with regular practice it can become second nature and can result in a powerful and profitable affiliate marketing web site for you as it builds over time.

Affiliate marketing mentor, coach and speaker Doug Champigny has been teaching companies new marketing strategies since the 1970's, having owned and operated his own retail advertising agency before transferring to marketing online full-time since 1996. A recognized expert in how to market a product online or offline and master of these new online marketing strategies, Doug Champigny is the creator of the PowerStart Marketing coaching program and the Affiliate Marketing PowerStart coaching program, and is occasionally available for private 1-on-1 consultations and mentoring as well.

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